Do you love to garden, but don’t have the space at home to plant? Rent a plot at the Creston Community Garden! Gardeners of all experience levels are welcome!
The gardens are located right behind the CNA office at 205 Carrier St.
There are several types of plots available:
Large traditional raised beds, low to the ground, 12’x8′ ($50/each)
Small galvanized bins for those with limited mobility and/or those wanting to plant just a few things, 4’x2′ ($15/each)
New this year: All gardeners will be required to pay a refundable deposit ($25 for large plots, $10 for small plots). The deposit will be returned at the end of the season, or applied to garden fee for next year.
Participate in a Community Garden Workday! Together we can contribute to creating a safe and beautiful gardening space for the community.
Even if you don’t have a plot in the garden this year, you are welcome to come get your hands dirty.. Although we do recommend bringing gloves!
Every 1st Friday afternoon May – October
The Community Garden is welcome to visitors! Come visit any time. 205 Carrier St NE. Enter through the back of the parking lot. There are some benches and a table for you to sit at. Come bring a book and enjoy! There is a seed library there too! Just please don’t pick anything you didn’t plant.